My story so far……
A wise man once said to me I could ‘do anything I set my mind to,’ and whilst discovering how to live without him I threw myself into doing just that, creating stories with words, scraps of fabric, thread and other peoples lost or forgotten treasures.
Drawing on inspiration from my childhood, my love of 1950s children’s storybooks and time spent observing the never idle hands of my grandmothers who appeared to make something wonderful with very little, I strive to recreate the daydream of a childhood forgotten.
I reflect on my own daughters childhood, all the make believe games, scraped knees, and the broken hearts that sometimes adolescence brings.
There is nothing I like more than collecting treasures, and I proudly describe myself as a natural sentimental hoarder. Over the years I have built up quite a collection of memorabilia from my own childhood and that of my daughters. I also enjoy rummaging around antique markets and vintage shops, nothing is too old, tired or worn.
That is my story so far, thank you for turning the page.